God (John Lennon song)

"God" is a song from John Lennon's first post-Beatles solo album, John Lennon/Plastic Ono Band. The album was released on 11 December 1970 in the United States and the United Kingdom.


There are three sections in the song:
In the first section, John Lennon describes God as "a concept by which we measure our pain".
In the second, Lennon lists many movements that he does not believe in, ending by stating that he just believes in himself and Yoko. He rejects magic, the I Ching, the Bible, tarot, Hitler, Jesus, Kennedy, Buddha, mantra, the Gita, yoga, kings, Elvis, Zimmerman and the Beatles.
The final section describes Lennon's change since the break-up of the Beatles. While the Beatles were basically his family throughout the 1960s, he states that he is no longer the "Dreamweaver" or "The Walrus", but just "John". The final line of the song, "The dream is over,” in effect officially declared the end of the 1960s and its quest for meaning in utopian movements. Lennon is saying that meaning lies within oneself. "If there is a God," Lennon explained, "we're all it."


The musicians who performed on the original recording were as follows: