Frost Meadowcroft

Frost Meadowcroft is a professional services company specialising in commercial property consultancy. Its offices are at 22 St Peter's Square former offices of Island Records and at 96 Kensington High Street. It specialises in offices and commercial property investments in the area west of west end including Paddington, Kensington, Chelsea, Hammersmith, Fulham and Chiswick.

Selected Projects

, Thames Wharf Studios.
Chelsea Harbour, Colet Court, Westfield London
Chiswick Tower,
Fulham Green owned by Jon Hunt's Ocubis

Selected Clients

, Next Fifteen Communications, Diageo, Westfield
Helical Bar and Rambert Dance Company

In The Press

Frost Meadowcroft's Justin Clack, writes about architecture in Richard Branson's Project magazine and Umbrella Magazine.
He also writes an architectural and social history article on Westway and Ford Dagenham in Umbrella Magazine's issue 4 and issue 6