Freedom Medal

The Freedom Medal is a medal awarded to Scientologists. It is awarded annually to members of the Church of Scientology for "bringing greater freedom to mankind". Established in 1985, the Freedom Medal has had 80 recipients.



The medal is circular, gold-colored and approximately 2.25 inches in diameter. The obverse design includes two interlocking triangles, representing the ARC and KRC triangles, connected by a letter "S", representing scio - Latin for "I Know". Below this design appears the following text: "SCIENTOLOGY SYMBOL IS A TRADEMARK AND SERVICE MARK OWNED BY RELIGIOUS TECHNOLOGY CENTER". On the upper arched portion of the medal are the words "FREEDOM MEDAL".
The medal's reverse side features the words "INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF SCIENTOLOGISTS" on the upper arched portion. Below this appears "PRICE OF FREEDOM" and "CONSTANT ALERTNESS, CONSTANT WILLINGNESS TO FIGHT BACK, THERE IS NO OTHER PRICE." Further below appears "L. RON HUBBARD" and "LRH 1960, 85".


The medal is suspended from a blue and green neck ribbon.

Notable recipients