First-player and second-player win

In game theory, a two-player deterministic perfect information turn-based game is a first-player-win if with perfect play the first player to move can always force a win. Similarly, a game is second-player-win if with perfect play the second player to move can always force a win. With perfect play, if neither side can force a win, the game is a draw.
Some games with relatively small game trees have been proven to be first or second-player wins. For example, the game of nim with the classic 3–4–5 starting position is a first-player-win game. However, Nim with the 1-3-5-7 starting position is a second-player-win. The classic game of Connect Four has been mathematically proven to be first-player-win.
With perfect play, checkers has been determined to be a draw; neither player can force a win. Another example of a game which leads to a draw with perfect play is tic-tac-toe, and this includes play from any opening move.
Significant theory has been completed in the effort to solve chess. It has been speculated that there may be first-move advantage which can be detected when the game is played imperfectly. However, with perfect play, it remains unsolved as to whether the game is a first-player win, a second player win, or a forced draw.