F Sharp (programming language)

F# is a functional-first, general purpose, strongly typed, multi-paradigm programming language that encompasses functional, imperative, and object-oriented programming methods. F# is most often used as a cross-platform Common Language Infrastructure language on.NET Core, but it can also generate JavaScript and graphics processing unit code.
F# is developed by the F# Software Foundation, Microsoft and open contributors. An open source, cross-platform compiler for F# is available from the F# Software Foundation. F# is a fully supported language in Visual Studio and JetBrains Rider. Plug-ins supporting F# exist for many widely used editors, most notably the extension for Visual Studio Code, and integrations for other editors such as Vim, and Emacs.
F# is a member of the ML language family and originated as a.NET Framework implementation of a core of the programming language OCaml. It has also been influenced by C#,
Python, Haskell, Scala, and Erlang.



In the course of its development, the language has gone through several versions:

VersionLanguage specificationDatePlatformsRuntime
F# 1.xMay 2005Windows.NET 1.0 - 3.5
F# 2.0April 2010Linux, macOS, Windows.NET 2.0 - 4.0, Mono
F# 3.0August 2012Linux, macOS, Windows;
JavaScript, GPU
.NET 2.0 - 4.5, Mono
F# 3.1October 2013Linux, macOS, Windows;
JavaScript, GPU
.NET 2.0 - 4.5, Mono
F# 4.0July 2015
F# 4.1March 2017Linux, macOS, Windows,
JavaScript, GPU
.NET 3.5 - 4.6.2,.NET Core, Mono
F# 4.5August 2018Linux, macOS, Windows,
JavaScript, GPU
.NET 4.5 - 4.7.2,.NET Core SDK 2.1.400
F# 4.7September 2019

Language evolution

F# uses an open development and engineering process.
The language evolution process is managed by Don Syme from Microsoft Research as the benevolent dictator for life for the language design, together with the F# Software Foundation.
Earlier versions of the F# language were designed by Microsoft and Microsoft Research using a closed development process.
F# originates from Microsoft Research, Cambridge, UK. The language was originally designed and implemented by Don Syme, according to whom in the fsharp team, they say the F is for "Fun".
Andrew Kennedy contributed to the design of units of measure. The Visual F# Tools for Visual Studio are developed by Microsoft. The F# Software Foundation developed the F# open-source compiler and tools, incorporating the open-source compiler implementation provided by the Microsoft Visual F# Tools team.

F# 1.0F# 2.0F# 3.0F# 3.1F# 4.0F# 4.1F# 4.5F# 4.7

  • Functional programming
  • Discriminated unions
  • Records
  • Tuples
  • Pattern matching
  • Type abbreviations
  • Object-oriented programming
  • Structs
  • Signature files
  • Scripting files
  • Imperative programming
  • Modules
  • Nested modules
  • .NET Interoperability
  • Active patterns
  • Units of measure
  • Sequence expressions
  • Asynchronous programming
  • Agent programming
  • Extension members
  • Named arguments
  • Optional arguments
  • Array slicing
  • Quotations
  • Native interoperability
  • Computation expressions
  • Type providers
  • LINQ query expressions
  • CLIMutable attribute
  • Triple-quoted strings
  • Auto-properties
  • Provided units-of-measure
  • Named union type fields
  • Extensions to array slicing
  • Type inference enhancements
  • Printf on unitized values
  • Extension property initializers
  • Non-null provided types
  • Primary constructors as functions
  • Static parameters for provided methods
  • Printf interpolation
  • Extended #if grammar
  • Tailcall attribute
  • Multiple interface instantiations
  • Optional type args
  • Params dictionaries
  • Struct tuples which inter-operate with C# tuples
  • Struct annotations for Records
  • Struct annotations for Single-case Discriminated Unions
  • Underscores in numeric literals
  • Caller info argument attributes
  • Result type and some basic Result functions
  • Mutually referential types and modules within the same file
  • Implicit "Module" syntax on modules with shared name as type
  • Byref returns, supporting consuming C# ref-returning methods
  • Error message improvements
  • Support for 'fixed'
  • Versioning alignment of binary, package, and language
  • Support for 'Span' and related types
  • Ability to produce 'byref' returns
  • The 'voidptr' type
  • The 'inref<'T>' and 'outref<'T>' types to represent readonly and write-only 'byref's
  • 'IsByRefLike' structs
  • 'IsReadOnly' structs
  • Extension method support for 'byref<'T>'/'inref<'T>'/'outref<'T>'
  • 'match!' keyword in computation expressions
  • Relaxed upcast with 'yield' in F# seq/list/array expressions
  • Relaxed indentation with list and array expressions
  • Enumeration cases emitted as public
  • Implicit yields
  • No more required double underscore
  • Indentation relaxations for parameters passed to constructors and static methods
  • 'nameof' function
  • Open static classes
  • Language overview

    Functional programming

    F# is a strongly typed functional-first language that uses type inference. The programmer does not need to declare types—the compiler deduces types during compilation. F# also allows explicit type annotations, and requires them in some situations.
    F# is an expression-based language using eager evaluation. Every statement in F#,
    including if expressions, try expressions and loops, is a composable expression with a static type. Functions and expressions that do not return any value have a return type of unit. F# uses the let keyword for binding values to a name. For example:

    let x = 3 + 4

    binds the value 7 to the name x.
    New types are defined using the type keyword. For functional programming, F# provides tuple, record, discriminated union, list, option, and result types. A tuple represents a set of n values, where n ≥ 0. The value n is called the arity of the tuple. A 3-tuple would be represented as , where A, B, and C are values of possibly different types. A tuple can be used to store values only when the number of values is known at design-time and stays constant during execution.
    A record is a type where the data members are named. Here is an example of record definition:

    type R =

    Records can be created as. The with keyword is used to create a copy of a record, as in, which creates a new record by copying r and changing the value of the Name field.
    A discriminated union type is a type-safe version of C unions. For example,

    type A =
    | UnionCaseX of string
    | UnionCaseY of int

    Values of the union type can correspond to either union case. The types of the values carried by each union case is included in the definition of each case.
    The list type is an immutable linked list represented either using a notation or a shorthand as. An empty list is written . The option type is a discriminated union type with choices Some or None. F# types may be generic, implemented as generic.NET types.
    F# supports lambda functions and closures. All functions in F# are first class values and are immutable. Functions can be curried. Being first-class values, functions can be passed as arguments to other functions. Like other functional programming languages, F# allows function composition using the >> and << operators.
    F# provides ' that define a sequence seq , list or array through code that generates values. For example,


    forms a sequence of squares of numbers from 0 to 14 by filtering out numbers from the range of numbers from 0 to 25. Sequences are generators – values are generated on-demand – while lists and arrays are evaluated eagerly.
    F# uses pattern matching to bind values to names. Pattern matching is also used when accessing discriminated unions – the union is value matched against pattern rules and a rule is selected when a match succeeds. F# also supports Active Patterns as a form of extensible pattern matching. It is used, for example, when multiple ways of matching on a type exist.
    F# supports a general syntax for defining compositional computations called
    '. Sequence expressions, asynchronous computations and queries are particular kinds of computation expressions. Computation expressions are an implementation of the monad pattern.

    Imperative programming

    F# support for imperative programming includes
    Values and record fields can also be labelled as mutable. For example:

    // Define 'x' with initial value '1'
    let mutable x = 1
    // Change the value of 'x' to '3'
    x <- 3

    Also, F# supports access to all CLI types and objects such as those defined in the System.Collections.Generic namespace defining imperative data structures.

    Object-oriented programming

    Like other Common Language Infrastructure languages, F# can use CLI types through object-oriented programming. F# support for object-oriented programming in expressions includes:
    Support for object-oriented programming in patterns includes
    F# object type definitions can be class, struct, interface, enum, or delegate type definitions, corresponding to the definition forms found in C#. For example, here is a class with a constructor taking a name and age, and declaring two properties.

    /// A simple object type definition
    type Person =
    member x.Name = name
    member x.Age = age

    Asynchronous programming

    F# supports asynchronous programming through asynchronous workflows. An asynchronous workflow is defined as a sequence of commands inside an async, as in

    let asynctask =

    The let! indicates that the expression on the right should be done asynchronously but the flow should only continue when the result is available. In other words, from the point of view of the code block, it's as if getting the response is a blocking call, whereas from the point of view of the system, the thread won't be blocked and may be used to process other flows while the result needed for this one doesn't become available.
    The async block may be invoked using the Async.RunSynchronously function. Multiple async blocks can be executed in parallel using the Async.Parallel function that takes a list of async objects and creates another async object to run the tasks in the lists in parallel. The resultant object is invoked using Async.RunSynchronously.
    Inversion of control in F# follows this pattern.

    Parallel programming

    Parallel programming is supported partly through the Async.Parallel, Async.Start and other operations that run asynchronous blocks in parallel.
    Parallel programming is also supported through the Array.Parallel functional programming operators in the F# standard library, direct use of the System.Threading.Tasks task programming model, the direct use of.NET thread pool and.NET threads and through dynamic translation of F# code to alternative parallel execution engines such as GPU code.

    Units of measure

    The F# type system supports units of measure checking for numbers. The units of measure feature integrates with F# type inference to require minimal type annotations in user code.


    F# allows some forms of syntax customizing via metaprogramming to support embedding custom domain-specific languages within the F# language, particularly through computation expressions.
    F# includes a feature for run-time meta-programming called quotations. A quotation expression evaluates to an abstract syntax tree representation of the F# expressions. Similarly, definitions labelled with the attribute can also be accessed in their quotation form. F# quotations are used for various purposes including to compile F# code into JavaScript and GPU code..

    Information-rich programming

    F# 3.0 introduced a form of compile-time meta-programming through statically extensible type generation called F# type providers. F# type providers allow the F# compiler and tools to be extended with components that provide type information to the compiler on-demand at compile time. F# type providers have been used to give strongly typed access to connected information sources in a scalable way, including to the Freebase knowledge graph.
    In F# 3.0 the F# quotation and computation expression features are combined to implement LINQ queries. For example:

    // Use the OData type provider to create types that can be used to access the Northwind database.
    open Microsoft.FSharp.Data.TypeProviders
    type Northwind = ODataService<"http://services.odata.org/Northwind/Northwind.svc">
    let db = Northwind.GetDataContext
    // A query expression.
    let query1 = query

    The combination of type providers, queries and strongly typed functional programming is known as information rich programming.

    Agent programming

    F# supports a variation of the Actor programming model through the in-memory implementation of lightweight asynchronous agents. For example, the following code defines an agent and posts 2 messages:

    let counter =

    Development tools

    F# is a general-purpose programming language.

    Web programming

    The is an end-to-end F# stack to develop web applications. It uses ASP.NET Core on the server side and on the client side.
    An alternative end-to-end F# option is the WebSharper framework.

    Cross-platform app development

    F# can be used together with the to develop apps for iOS and Android. The library provides a more comfortable functional interface.

    Analytical programming

    Among others, F# is used for quantitative finance programming, energy trading and portfolio optimization, machine learning, business intelligence and social gaming on Facebook.
    In the 2010s, F# has been positioned as an optimized alternative to C#. F#'s scripting ability and inter-language compatibility with all Microsoft products have made it popular among developers. Many developers are creating systems based on F# and use C# WCF Services.


    F# can be used as a scripting language, mainly for desktop read–eval–print loop scripting.

    Open-source community

    The F# open-source community includes the F# Software Foundation and the F# Open Source Group at GitHub.. Popular open-source F# projects include:
    F# features a legacy "ML compatibility mode" that can directly compile programs written in a large subset of OCaml roughly, with no functors, objects, polymorphic variants, or other additions.


    A few small samples follow:

    // This is a comment for a sample hello world program.
    open System

    A Person class with a constructor taking a name and age and two immutable properties.

    /// This is a documentation comment for a type definition.
    type Person =
    member x.Name = name
    member x.Age = age

    /// class instantiation
    let mrSmith = Person

    A simple example that is often used to demonstrate the syntax of functional languages is the factorial function for non-negative 32-bit integers, here shown in F#:

    /// Using pattern matching expression
    let rec factorial n =
    match n with
    | 0 -> 1
    | _ -> n * factorial
    /// For a single-argument functions there is syntactic sugar :
    let rec factorial = function
    | 0 -> 1
    | n -> n * factorial

    /// Using fold and range operator
    let factorial n = |> Seq.fold 1

    Iteration examples:

    /// Iteration using a 'for' loop
    let printList lst =
    for x in lst do
    printfn "%d" x
    /// Iteration using a higher-order function
    let printList2 lst =
    List.iter lst
    /// Iteration using a recursive function and pattern matching
    let rec printList3 lst =
    match lst with
    | ->
    | h :: t ->
    printfn "%d" h
    printList3 t

    Fibonacci examples:

    /// Fibonacci Number formula
    let fib n =
    let rec g n f0 f1 =
    match n with
    | 0 -> f0
    | 1 -> f1
    | _ -> g f1
    g n 0 1
    /// Another approach - a lazy infinite sequence of Fibonacci numbers
    let fibSeq = Seq.unfold
    // Print even fibs
    // Same thing, using a list expression

    A sample Windows Forms program:

    // Open the Windows Forms library
    open System.Windows.Forms
    // Create a window and set a few properties
    let form = new Form
    // Create a label to show some text in the form
    let label =
    let x = 3 +
    new Label
    // Add the label to the form
    // Finally, run the form

    Asynchronous parallel programming sample :

    /// A simple prime number detector
    let isPrime =
    let bound = int
    seq |> Seq.forall
    // We are using async workflows
    let primeAsync n =
    /// Return primes between m and n using multiple threads
    let primes m n =
    |> Seq.map primeAsync
    |> Async.Parallel
    |> Async.RunSynchronously
    |> Array.filter snd
    |> Array.map fst
    // Run a test
    primes 1000000 1002000
    |> Array.iter