Education in Andhra Pradesh

As per the 2011 census of India, Andhra Pradesh has an overall literacy rate of 67.35%, significantly lower than the overall national average of 74.04%. Among the Indian states and union territories, it stands at 32nd position. During the same census, there are a total of literates: males and females. In terms of district-wise literates, East Godavari has the most with and Vizianagaram has the least with. While, in terms of district-wise literacy rates, West Godavari stands top with 74.32% and Vizianagaram at bottom with 58.89%. The government also implements fee reimbursement scheme for the economically backward sections of the state.

Primary and secondary education

The School Education Department of Andhra Pradesh, the largest department of the state, manages and regulates schools in various districts of the state. The primary and secondary school education is imparted by government, aided and private schools. These schools are categorized as urban, rural and residential schools. As per the child info and school information report, there were a total of students, enrolled in schools respectively. As per the students appeared for the Secondary School Certificate exam, a majority of the students preferred Telugu and English as the medium of instruction. While, Urdu, Odia, Tamil, Kannada and Hindi were opted by a few.
The Andhra Pradesh Board of Secondary Education administers the Secondary School Certificate examination. For the 2019 SSC exam, more than students have appeared and recorded an overall pass percentage of 94.88%, a little increase from 94.48% of the previous year. In terms of district-wise pass percentage, East Godavari stood at the top with 98.19% and Nellore at the bottom with 83.19%. Schools which recorded a 100% pass percentage were 5,464, out of 11,000.

Higher education