Demon City Blues

Demon City Blues is a Japanese novel series written by Hideyuki Kikuchi and illustrated by Jun Suemi. The story takes place in Demon City Shinjuku's universe and features common characters.


As told in the events of Demon City Shinjuku, a devastating earthquake caused by supernatural forces left most of Japan in ruins, turning the Shinjuku district into a zone suspended between the mortal world and Hell. The district has become an isolated slum in which humans struggle to cohabit with monsters and demons everyday. In this dark place, a young private investigator specialized in missing people, named Setsura Aki, gets routinely tasked with dangerous missions that pit him against the worst entities of the netherworld.


;Setsura Aki
;Ryoko Sototani
;Galeen Nuvenberg

Publication story

The series had its first installment published in 1986. It was divided in two blocks: the Nonnoberu short story collection and the longer Chohen arcs, both started the same year and finished in 2012. The latter's Demon Princess arc was published in English speaking countries by Digital Manga in 2009. Another episode of the series, Maohden, was published in 2012.

List of chapters