Deep in the Valley

Deep in the Valley is a 2009 romantic comedy written and directed by Christian Forte, son of 1950s and 1960s teen icon Fabian.


Lester Watts works at a liquor store, happily selling alcohol to minors while spending his spare money on his porno collection. His best friend since third grade, Carl works a corporate job at his British fiancée's family's company. He wants to leave the job and work somewhere else, but she angrily tells him he has no choice and that he must stay; it is clear that she is completely in control of the relationship.
That night, the two friends have a beer when a delivery comes in the form of a vintage porn viewer machine which plays the films of Diamond Jim. They step inside and it transports them to a land where everyone acts like they are in a pornographic film. The police arrest them, led by Rod Cannon but they escape and are hidden from the police by Bambi Cummings at her sorority house, Tri-Pi.
They elude the police while Bambi and Carl fall in love with each other. Eventually, they go to Diamond Jim's pool party where Carl decides to get transported home and Lester decides to stay. It is revealed that Lester is Diamond Jim's son. Back home, Carl breaks up with his overbearing girlfriend and Bambi is transported to him, reuniting them. Meanwhile, Lester takes over his father's porno empire. After the closing credits, it is revealed that Rod was transported to Lester's old job at the liquor store.
