Curie family

The Curie family is a Polish and French family with a number of illustrious scientists. Several members were awarded the Nobel Prize, including physics, chemistry, or the Nobel Peace Prize. Pierre and Marie Curie and their daughter Irène Joliot-Curie, are the most prominent members.

Family Genealogy

Paul Curie, physician, humanist
x Augustine Hofer, a descendant of the famous scholar and mathematician Johann Bernoulli.
x Sophie-Claire Depouilly.
x Marie Masson.
x Marie Skłodowska Curie, physicist, chemist, Nobel Prize in 1903 and in 1911.
x Frédéric Joliot-Curie, physicist, Nobel Prize in 1935.
x Anne Gricouroff, biologist, daughter of Georges Gricouroff and Colette Rodet.
x Michel Langevin, physicist, son of André Langevin and Luce Dubus, grandson of Paul Langevin and Jeanne Desfosses.
x Henry Richardson Labouisse, Jr., American diplomat, Nobel Peace Prize on behalf of UNICEF in 1965.