In a cumulative tale, sometimes also called a chain tale, action or dialogue repeats and builds up in some way as the tale progresses. With only the sparest of plots, these tales often depend upon repetition and rhythm for their effect, and can require a skilled storyteller to negotiate their tongue-twisting repetitions in performance. The climax is sometimes abrupt and sobering as in "The Gingerbread Man." The device often takes the form of a cumulative song or nursery rhyme. Many cumulative tales feature a series of animals or forces of nature each more powerful than the last.
Cumulative tales have a long pedigree. In an early Jewish Midrash, considered to date from the sixth century AD, Abraham is brought before King Nimrod, who commands him to worship fire. Abraham replies that it would be more reasonable to worship water, which can quench fire and is therefore more powerful. When this premise is granted, he points out that the clouds, as sustainers of water, are more worthy of worship, and then that the wind that disperses them is more powerful still. Finally he confronts Nimrod with the observation that "man can stand upagainst the wind or shield himself behind the walls of his house". There is a similar tale, The Mouse Turned into a Maid, in the Panchatantra, in which the mouse-maid is successively introduced to the sun, the cloud, the wind and the mountain. She prefers each in turn as stronger than the last, but finally a mouse is found to be stronger than even the mountain, and so she marries the mouse. Stories of this type, such as the JapaneseThe Husband of the Rat's Daughter, are widely diffused.
Fruit dropping on animal, then animal & fruit in conflict.
Relevant literature
Cosbey, Robert C. "The Mak Story and Its Folklore Analogues." Speculum 20, no. 3 : 310-317.
Masoni, Licia. "Folk Narrative and EFL: A Narrative Approach to Language Learning." Journal of Literature and Art Studies 8, no. 4 : 640-658
Ramanujan, Attippat Krishnaswami, Stuart H. Blackburn, and Alan Dundes. 1997. A Flowering Tree and Other Oral Tales from India, AK Ramanujan; Edited with a Preface by Stuart Blackburn and Alan Dundes. Univ of California Press.
Thomas, Joyce. "'Catch if you can': The cumulative tale." A companion to the fairy tale, ed by Hilda Roderick Ellis Davidson, Hilda Ellis Davidson, Anna Chaudhri, Derek Brewer. Boydell & Brewer. : 123-136.
Voorhoeve, C. L. 2010. 408-415. A Remarkable Chain Tale from New Guinea. In Kenneth A. McElhanon and Ger Reesink. A mosaic of languages and cultures: Studies celebrating the career of Karl J. Franklin. SIL International.