Crimes of War

Crimes of War: What the Public Should Know is a 1999 reference book edited by Roy Gutman and David Rieff. The 352-page book contains more than 150 entries, and was published by W.W. Norton.
The book collects reporters' accounts of war crimes with essays by lawyers on international humanitarian law to examine war crimes and the laws of war. Contributors include Sydney Schanberg, William Shawcross, Christiane Amanpour, and Justice Richard Goldstone, the UN Tribunal's first prosecutor, who provides a foreword. Photographers featured include Gilles Peress and Annie Leibovitz.
The book is part of a comprehensive project started by Gutman which includes educational initiatives and additional articles. It has been published in 11 languages, including Arabic, Spanish, Italian, Hungarian, Serbo-Croatian and Chinese. A revised edition with updated articles was published in October 2007 by W.W. Norton.
