Conventus Bracarensis

The Conventus bracarensis, was a Roman administrative unit located in the northwest of the Iberian Peninsula, in Gallaecia. Its name derives from its capital Bracara Augusta, a citadel established by the Romans, which became the convent's administrative center. Its southern limit was the river Douro, it marked the streak with the Roman province of Lusitania. In the north, its limits were the river Verdugo, and the river Sil, both marked the border with the Conventus lucensis. Its eastern borders were marked by the river Navea, a tributary of the Sil, that limited with the Conventus asturicensis.
The convent was home to some native citadels and small villages inhabited by Gallaeci tribes, of Celtic origin, occupying all the territory and the Grovii, of possible Greek origin, living in the coast near river mouths.