Colombian folklore

Colombian folklore are beliefs, customs and cultural traditions in Colombia.

Cultural influences

has traditional folk tales and stories about legendary creatures, which are transmitted orally and passed on to new generations. Some of them are common with other Latin American countries. The Colombian folklore has strong influences from Spanish culture, with elements of African and Native American cultures.


These folkloric entities are present in carnivals and festivals countrywide. The “Desfiles de Mitos y Leyendas” are an important part of these events in most of the Colombian cities and municipalities. Examples of these parades are the Barranquilla Carnival, Cali Fair and Festival of the Flowers, where the legendary creatures parade takes place in Medellín's Pueblito Paisa, at the top of Nutibara hill. Legendary creatures have also been accepted into many facets of popular culture and the collective memory. There are those who believe in their existence, claiming to have heard or even encountered them.

Legendary figures

. The pink dolphin is feared by the indigenous people as a mischievous spirit of water