Carolina Costa

Carolina Costa is an Italian female judoka and paralympic athlete.


Daughter of the Sicilian master Judo and president of the :it:Confederazione Italiana Kendo|Italian Kendo Federation Franco Costa, who died in 2006, Carolina Costa began her under-23 judoka career in a very promising way with some brilliant results even at an absolute level, like a second place in the Italian championships.
In 2016, at the age of 22 she was diagnosed with keratoconus, a degenerative disease that if taken at a young age can lead to progressive blindness, therefore Carolina's performance is diminishing, it becomes necessary to switch to paralympic sport and here, however that, as a paralympic athlete, she achieves international results, like a bronze medal at the world championships and a gold medal at the European championships. These results give her the almost certainty of being able to represent Italy at the 2020 Summer Paralympics in Tokyo. She is the daughter of the Olympic former freestyle wrestler Katarzyna Juszczak.
