
BlitWorks is a Spanish video game developer company headquartered in Barcelona, Spain. The company is known for porting several games such as Fez, Sonic CD, Jet Set Radio, Super Meat Boy, Bastion, Spelunky and Don't Starve to a wide range of platforms such as PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3, PlayStation Vita, Xbox One, Xbox 360, Steam, Nintendo Switch, Wii U, iOS and Android.


The founders started working together in 2011 when they did the port of the 2011 remake of Sonic CD for SEGA. At that time, instead of creating a new company just for this endeavor, they decided to develop it under the software company already owned by 2 of them, Blit Software, as a temporary measure.
After Sonic CD, they ported Jet Set Radio and then started to receive more inquiries so the founders decided it was worth focusing on game porting. Therefore, in 2012, they founded BlitWorks S.L. as a completely independent company. Since then, they've been porting some of the most famous indie games.
As a way to offer a more complete porting service, BlitWorks partnered with the QA company Lollipop Robot in 2013, and they have worked together in every project since then.


In order to speed up the porting process, after using an existing tool to convert FEZ from C# to C++ to PlayStation platforms, and realising it missed some important features; in 2013 BlitWorks created Unsharper, a semi automatic conversion tool mainly focused on porting C# games to game consoles.
Unsharper produces C++ code that resembles original C# code as much as possible, and it's meant to be edited. Moreover, it does not use any Garbage Collector, all non-value type allocations are implemented with reference counted pointers and minimum C++11 features are used for maximum compatibility.
This tool is used in games such as Full Metal Furies, Reus, Axiom Verge, Cannon Brawl, Bastion or Hammerwatch.


The following table shows all the ports of the games in which BlitWorks worked from the oldest to the newest.