List of Transformers: Victory characters

This is a list of characters from the 1989 anime series .

Autobots (Cybertrons)


Brainmasters were Transformers who came with an individual partner, who when combined formed the host's face.
The Multiforce consisted of six Autobots who could combine with each other as well as one entire entity. This technology is similar to the powerlinking process seen in and the Brave Saga 2 brothers Magna and Flash. The following were the most common combinations used in the series. All the members of Multiforce can combine with any other member of Multiforce to form a larger robot, but Tackle most commonly combines with Mach to form Machtackle. All the Multiforce members can combine into Landcross. With their new stealth modes the members of Multiforce can become invisible.
Jan Minakaze - a human boy
Illumina "Lumina" Hoshi - a little girl in Jan's school and his crush
Clump - a tough boy in Jan's school
Joyce - a slightly snooty girl in Jan's school
Rami - a presumably peppy girl in Jan's school


Breast Force

The Breast Force is the name given to an elite force of Decepticon from the Japanese exclusive Transformers series '. They are alternatively known as the Beast Force or Chest Force, the later being their name in the Shout! Factory subtitled DVD release. The reason for the name Breast Force is their toy gimmick. Each Breast Forcer came with a detachable breastplate that transformed into an animal attack partner which could also transform into a weapon. What animal each Breast Force member came with was hinted at in the name.
The Breast Force was named one of the top Unfortunately Named Transformers.
Liokaiser is by far the most powerful Decepticon combiner in the Transformers series utilizing the abilities of all 6 members in air and land combat. He has the ability to turn invisible which allowed him to gain an advantage in his battles with Starsaber and Landcross in one episode. His preferred weapon to use in combat is the spear which he could release deadly spikes that can cut through any Autobot armor or convert it into a chain to ensnare his opponent. He is a cold and ruthless killing machine who shows no mercy in battle. Upon his first appearance the battle turned towards the Decepticon's favor as no Autobot warrior was able to defeat him. He has only been stopped from finishing Star Saber on several occasions due to the intervention of God Ginrai and the orders of Deszaras. Only Victory Leo could be considered his equal in battle in terms of ferocity and tenacity.
Breast Force members:
When Star Saber arrived shortly after Hellbat slew Deathcobra, Leozack furiously ordered the team to unleash their secret weapon: their combined form Liokaiser. Liokaiser nearly killed Star Saber, but the arrival of God Ginrai was just barely enough to force the combiner to retreat.
The Breast Force appeared in episode #4, "Unite!! Multiforce" The latest Breast Force warriors—Jaguar, Drillhorn and Killbison—along with Leozack and the Dinoforce made plans to attack an energy complex. Meanwhile, Jan got a physics lesson from the Multiforce about fulcrums. Suddenly, at the plant, the Decepticons struck from the air and the sea with the Dinoforce while the Breast Force members hid in the sand in ambush. The Multiforce spotted the destruction from afar and battled the Dinoforce on even terms until they formed Dinoking. Jan informed the other Autobots that there was danger and Star Saber and the Brainmasters headed out to investigate. Just as things looked bad, the Multiforce merged to form Landcross to do battle with Dinoking. Star Saber arrived to help Landcross take on Dinoking while the Brainmasters battled Killbison and Jaguar, driving away the Decepticons.
Shortly after rescuing Gaihawk, Leozack reveals to the other Breast Force members that he plans to replace the untrustworthy Hellbat with Deathcobra. Leozack mentions that he and Deathcobra had worked together in the past, and that the new arrival would be a much more reliable teammate than Hellbat. Hellbat attempts to convince Deathcobra to go away. Unluckily for him Deathcobra bluntly refuses, determined to keep his word and meet with his old friend Leozack. Following an altercation, Hellbat accidentally kills Deathcobra and frames the Autobots.
In episode #23, "Fight to the Death!! Antarctic Battle", the Breast Force drains energy from the Antarctic, melting the polar ice. The Multiforce aid people trapped in a flood in South America when Star Saber orders them to meet him at a United Nations research base in the Antarctic. Wing and Mach arrive first and are confronted by Liokaiser. Waver tows in the rest of Multiforce by sea and despite forming Landcross they are outclassed by Liokaiser’s ability to turn invisible. Star Saber and Galaxy Shuttle arrive to help in the fight as Jan, Stakeout and Seawatch help evacuate the human scientists from the U.N. base. Liokaiser continues to best the Autobots in battle thanks to his ability to turn invisible, but as the Decepticon gestalt is about to finish off Victory Saber, Deszaras steps in and insists that he have a hand in the demise of his enemy. Star Saber takes the opportunity to take the battle to the air, matching Deszaras’ deadly wings with his skill. Galaxy Shuttle takes out the Decepticon energy collector with an energy blast and the Decepticons retreat in the Thunder Arrow. The humans scientists thank the Autobots for their help.
The Breast Force appeared in episode #24 "Crisis! Ambush in the Desert." Greatshot patrolled the galaxy for Decepticons and came to Earth where he spotted the Thunder Arrow. The Dinoforce attacked an oil field in Saudi Arabia for its energy. Star Saber sent the Brainmasters and Micromaster Rescue Patrol in Galaxy Shuttle. When the Autobots arrived they were ambushed by the Breast Force. Braver and Laster found it difficult to maneuver in the desert sand. The Rescue Patrol freed the human prisoners from Kakuryu. The Brainmasters formed Road Caesar, but it didn't help. Greatshot came to the rescue as Star Saber called for help. Deathsaurus arrived to take his anger out on Greatshot. Blacker injured himself saving Greatshot from an attack. Star Saber and Greatshot took on Deszaras and the Breast Force. Fixit did field repairs on Blacker. The Breast Force retreated when they became too injured to combine. Star Saber damaged the Thunder Arrow and Deszaras retreated. Braver and Laster blew up Dinoforce's energon cube stockpile and the last of the Decepticons retreated.
In episode #25 "A Deadly Battle" Blacker recovers at the Autobot Shuttle Base under the care of the Rescue Patrol. God Ginrai contacts Star Saber from space wanting to know about Blacker's injuries and offering to help if the Autobots on Earth need him. In the Thunder Arrow the Decepticons plan their next mission, with member of Breast Force wanting revenge on Greatshot and Deszaras closely watching Leozack. The Breast Force are sent to attack an Autobot garrison in Asia. Star Saber receives an SOS from the garrison orders the Brainmasters to remain at the base as he, the Rescue Patrol and Galaxy Shuttle respond. Blacker suspects the Autobot left without him and finds it shameful. The Breast Force focus their attacks on Star Saber and get the best of him. Blacker orders Braver and Laster to join in the fight, leaving him to protect the Shuttle Base. Liokaiser leads Star Saber into a trap where Deszaras is waiting. Realizing Star Saber is in danger Jan and Stakeout send an SOS, hoping Greatshot will answer. As Deszaras goes to deliver a fatal blow to Star Saber with his cannon God Ginrai arrives to block the blast. All the combatants are injured in the fighting and with the arrival of Braver and Laster the Decepticons flee. God Ginrai's wounds are severe and he collapses.
Liokaiser continued to be a major threat to the Autobots until he met his match in Victory Saber. In the final battle, he met his demise when he was hurled by Victory Leo into a huge energy cannon and blasted into deep space.


The Dinoforce are recolors of the Monster Pretenders figures with dinosaur-themed Pretender shells, who emerge from those shells in order to battle and to combine into Dinoking, a recolor of Monstructor. The exception is Goryu, the group's leader, who always appears outside of his Tyrannosaurus shell either riding it or independent of it. The Dinoforce serves as the dumb muscle for Deszaras' forces, and are usually defeated with relative ease by the Autobots they face off with.
A pair of Decepticon mercenaries and former comrades of Greatshot who are hired by Hellbat to attack Planet Micro; they appear in only one episode.