Bill Webb (game designer)

Bill Webb is a game designer who has worked primarily on role-playing games.


Bill Webb and his old friend Clark Peterson formed Necromancer Games in the spring of 2000 to publish role-playing materials using the impending d20 license; on August 10, 2000, the same day Wizards of the Coast was to release the new Player's Handbook at GenCon 33, Peterson and Webb published a free PDF adventure called The Wizard's Amulet just a few minutes after midnight that same day. On September 13, 2000, Necromancer Games announced a partnership with White Wolf in forming their "Sword & Sorcery" imprint, and Peterson and Webb produced many of White Wolf's rulebooks including Creature Collection, Relics & Rituals, The Divine and The Defeated, and Creature Collection II.
Webb has since cofounded Frog God Games focusing on adventures designed for both the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game and Swords & Wizardry. Webb created Frog God Games to do his own publication; the parting was amicable and Necromancer passed on all rights to one of their final pseudo-publications, Slumbering Tsar, to Webb - complete with any Necromancer IP that might have been mixed in. Frog God also bought the existing Necromancer stock from White Wolf, Kenzer & Company and Troll Lord Games, with the books being warehoused in Webb's garage and started to sell the stock via eBay in May 2010.