Jorge Luis Borges bibliography

This is a bibliography of works by Argentine short-story writer, essayist, poet, and translator Jorge Luis Borges.
Each year links to its corresponding " in literature" article or " in poetry" article.

Original book-length publications

This list follows the chronology of original publication in books, based in part on the rather comprehensive bibliography online at the Borges Center. The following list focuses on book-length
publication of original work : it does not include individual short stories, poems, and translations published in magazines, nor does it include books that Borges edited or co-edited. It also excludes several chapbooks, privately printed editions, etc. of under 50 pages each and does not attempt to identify first publication dates of individual stories, poems, etc. ISBNs refer to recent editions, not original publications.
There are also 1953, 1974, 1984, and 1989 Obras completas with varying degrees of completeness and a 1981 Obras completas en coloboración.
Several bibliographies also choose to include a collection of previously published essays, published in 1971 under the name Narraciones.
Some web-based lists misattribute El Caudillo,, to Borges. It was actually written by his father, also a Jorge Borges.


The translations of the titles are from Collected Fictions, translated by Andrew Hurley. The information is compiled from the Bibliografía cronológica de la obra de Jorge Luis Borges by Annick Louis and Florian Ziche. Not all of these works can be classified as short stories. For example, "The Dread Redeemer Lazarus Morell" is largely factual, but it reads like a work of fiction. Conversely, the fictional "Pierre Menard, Author of the Quixote" is written in a style resembling an essay in literary criticism.
The groupings represent books in which these were first published; they are listed by the English translation of the original Spanish-language book.

Earlier collections

Later collections


Borges's work was first published in book form in English in 1962, with the translation and publication of Ficciones and the collection known as Labyrinths.
In 1967, Borges began a five-year period of collaboration with the American translator Norman Thomas di Giovanni, after which he became better known in the English-speaking world. Di Giovanni would continue to be his primary English-language translator from that time forward.

Translations of original collections

This is a listing of book-length English-language volumes that are reorganizations of Borges' works; translations of original collections are listed above.