Augustin-Théodore de Lauzanne de Vauroussel

Augustin-Théodore de Lauzanne, chevalier de Vaux-Roussel was a 19th-century French playwright.


Aged 13, Lauzanne came to Paris where he grew up and developed an interest in literature and especially theater. One day, a friend gave him a letter of recommendation to the playwright Félix-Auguste Duvert, who already had some theatre plays given on stage. "I once knew in a boarding house a Mr Lauzanne, who loved me very much, and made me jump on his lap, Duvert said the young man. - He was my father, answered the other." From this day were born relationships that were soon to change into true friendship. The knots of this affection were further strengthened by the marriage of Lauzanne with Duvert's only daughter.
Lauzanne made his debut in theatre with a parody in burlesques verse of the drama Hernani: Harnali, ou la Contrainte par cor, interpreted by Étienne Arnal which ran many times on stage.
Lauzanne then became Duvert's preferred collaborator and the duo enjoyed many successes. The best welcomed plays include: M. Chapotard ; L’Assassin ; La Filature ; M. et Mme Mochard ; La Femme de ménage ; Riche d’amour, Beaugaillard, ou le Lion amoureux et Capitaine de voleurs ; La Poésie des amours ; À la Bastille, Le Pont cassé et Supplice de Tantale, etc.
Made a chevalier of the Légion d'honneur in 1853, Lauzanne was buried at Père Lachaise Cemetery in the 54th division.
