Pierre-Julien Nargeot

Pierre-Julien Nargeot was a 19th-century French violinist, composer and conductor.


Nargeot studied music at Conservatoire de Paris where he was admitted at age 14 in October 1813. There he was a pupil of Rodolphe Kreutzer for the violin and followed the musical composition classes of Auguste Barbereau, Jean-François Lesueur and Antoine Reicha. In 1826, he obtained a first prize in counterpoint and fugue and in 1828 a second Second Grand Prix de Rome with the scene Herminie for one voice. There was no First Prize awarded that year. Only two candidates were rewarded: Berlioz, who was running for the 3rd time, and Nargeot.
During his studies at the Conservatoire, Nargeot was a violinist in the orchestras of Opéra-Comique and Comédie Italienne. On 31 January 1826, he joined the Opéra. He would remain there until 1 September 1839 when he was appointed conductor at Théâtre des Variétés, boulevard Montmartre. In this venue were given comédies en vaudeville and bals
which attracted a Parisian audience hungry for entertainment. The Théâtre des Variétés took a real boom under the direction of Nestor Roqueplan who presented plays by Lockroy, Alexandre Dumas, Théophile Gautier, Eugène Labiche, Alfred de Musset, George Sand and operettas by Jacques Offenbach. Thus Nargeot wrote many songs, tunes, quadrilles, rondes, inserted in these plays, especially in the Tricorne enchanté by Théophile Gautier and Le Lion empaillé by Léon Gozlan. Some of these pages were real successes.
In 1853, Nargeot left the Variétés and joined as violist the orchestra of the Imperial Chapelle that Napoléon III had just reopened. The director was Auber and the conductor Narcisse Girard. From 1828 to 1863, he was a member of the Orchestre de la Société des Concerts du Conservatoire.
He spent the rest of his life composing, trying to represent his operettas on stages of Parisian boulevards and died in Paris on 30 August 1891 at age 92.

Main works