Anthem of the Kazakh Soviet Socialist Republic

The State Anthem of the Kazakh Soviet Socialist Republic was the national anthem of Kazakhstan when it was a republic of the Soviet Union and known as the Kazakh SSR.


The music was composed by Mukan Tölebaev, Russian composer Yevgeny Brusilovsky and Tatar composer Latıf Hamıdı, with lyrics written by Kazakh authors Äbdilda Täjibaev, Qaıym Muhamedhanov and Ğabıt Müsirepov. In 1992, new lyrics were adopted with the same melody as the anthem of independent Kazakhstan, until 7 January 2006.
From 1991 to 1997, it is one of the five remaining republics that appreciated its old anthem, and from 1997 to 2000, it is one of the only four remaining republics that does the same. From 2000 until 2006, it is one of the five remaining again. It is the only SSR anthem played in Triple metre|. All other SSR anthems use 4/4 time|.


Original words which were removed during the post-Stalinist era are indicated with parenthesis.
Cyrillic script
Latin script
Poetic English translation
Біз қазақ ежелден еркіндік аңсаған,
Бостандық өмір мен ар үшін қиған жан.
Торлаған тұманнан жол таппай тұрғанда,
Жарқырап Лениндей күн жығып, атты таң.
Жасасын Кеңестер Одағы,
Жеткізген еркіндік, теңдікке,
Бастайтын елдерді бірлікке,
Жеңіске, шаттыққа, ерлікке!
Дақ салмай Лениннің жеңімпаз салтына,
Ұрпағы қосты даңқ Оттаның даңқына,
Одақтас, ұрандас елдердің қамқоры,
Көп алғыс айтамыз ұлы орыс халқына.
Іргелі мемлекет, ерікті болдық ел,
Достықпен, бірлікпен жайнайды туған жер.
Еңбекте, майданда, жеткізген жеңіске
Данышпан партия – сүйікті кемеңгер.
Biz qazaq ejelden erkindik aŋsağan,
Bostandyq ömir men ar üşin qığan jan.
Torlağan tumannan jol tappaı turğanda,
Jarqyrap Lenındeı kün jyğyp, atty taŋ.
Jasasyn Keŋester Odağy,
Jetkizgen erkindik, teŋdikke,
Bastaıtyn elderdi birlikke,
Jeŋiske, şattyqqa, erlikke!
Daq salmaı Lenınniŋ jeŋimpaz saltyna,
Urpağy qosty daŋq Ottanyŋ daŋqyna,
Odaqtas, urandas elderdiŋ qamqory,
Köp alğys aytamyz uly orys halqyna.
İrgeli memleket, erikti boldyq el,
Dostyqpen, birlikpen jaınaıdy twğan jer.
Eŋbekte, maıdanda, jetkizgen jeŋiske
Danyşpan partıya – süıikti kemeŋger.
We, Kazakhs of aeons ancient, freedom-seeking,
For sake of faith and honour their lives sacrificing
And through the dark fog their ways finding,
But forth Lenin went as the morning and ’twas the morning!
Long live the Soviet Union,
Which led us to freedom for equality,
Which ’twas all for the unity of the country,
To victory, happiness, and ability!
Lenin's path victorious shall ne’er tarnished be
And glory of aeons shall in the Motherland multiplied be,
And the protector of the Union's Soviet republics,
To the great Russian people we say: Thanks to thee!
We’ve become a country strong, a country free
And the native land bloometh friendship and unity.
Lead us to battle and in labour to victory.
O wise Party, loved truly.