Aniruddha Jatkar

Aniruddha Jatkar is an Indian film and theatre artist who predominantly works in Kannada Films. He is the son-in-law of Kannada actor Vishnuvardhan and Bharathi Vishnuvardhan.


He is part of over 22 feature films in different languages including Tamil, Telugu and Hindi, Jatkar is also lauded for his work in education, health and ecological issues. including Tamashegagi, Shabari Male Yatre, Ijjodu and latest Raja Simha. Aniruddha Jatkar is currently occupied with documentary production on his mother-in-law Bharati Vishnuvardhan.
Jatkar's debut film was Chitte and gained popularity for his role in romantic-comedy film, Tuntata.
He is currently filming documentary direction on Kannada actress Bharathi Vishnuvardhan. The venture was launched on 15 August and is to showcase the actress' journey across different film industries in the past 6 decades.

Short films

In 2018, Jatkar released six short films across different genres, without dialogues. The films were called Smoke, Shantam Papam, Save, Vaishnav Jan To, Water and Candlelight. The first of the films, Smoke, was written as an informational film about the effects of cigarette smoke, following the death of an acquaintance, and the following films all dealt with different social issues. The films were released on 18 September 2018 to coincide with the actor Vishnuvardhan’s birth anniversary.

''Sahasa Simha'' comic series

Jatkar conceptualized Sahasa Simha Comic Book Series in association with Amar Chitra Katha. This comics series is the first of its kind in the entire south India with famous star couple – as the protagonists of the story. The comic book revolves around how the protagonist, Sahasa Simha solves mysteries arisen out of various social problems with able assistance of his two grandchildren Jyesta and Shloka. Three books have been launched till date and are currently available in both English and Kannada.


In lead roles

Supporting performances
