Andy (goose)

Andy was a goose that was born without webbed feet. It became well known as the sneaker-wearing goose. Andy was killed in 1991 by an unknown perpetrator.


The grey goose was born in 1987 without webbed feet and lived on a farm in Harvard, Nebraska. When Andy was two years old, Gene Fleming from nearby Hastings became aware of the plight of the bird. Fleming was a member of a local charity for disabled children and inventor and he thought he would be able to help. Fleming took care of Andy and his mate, Polly, and moved them to his farm in Hastings.
Initial attempts at providing Andy with more mobility included a skateboard-like prosthesis which did not work. Fleming then fitted Andy with specially adapted baby-sized shoes and he successfully taught the bird to walk with them. Subsequently, Andy caught the attention of the media and a sportswear manufacturer, that offered a lifetime deal to supply shoes – the bird wore out a pair of shoes in about one month.
Andy became a role model, especially for disabled children. With his shoes, Andy was able to walk, swim and fly which was supposed to give hope to people with disabilities.
On October 19, 1991, Andy disappeared, and a day later he was found dead in a local park with his head and wings removed. The local community collected US$10,000 as a reward to apprehend the murderer; however, the killer could not be identified.