Ami Magazine

Ami is an international news magazine that caters to the Jewish community. It is published weekly in New York and Israel. The magazine was launched in November 2010 by the husband & wife team of Rabbi Yitzchok Frankfurter and Rechy Frankfurter


Ami has featured interviews with celebrities both Jewish and non-Jewish, including former White House Press secretaries Sean Spicer and Ari Fleischer as well as John Dean who served as White House Counsel during the Watergate scandal for United States President Richard Nixon from July 1970 until April 1973. Ami has also interviewed rabbis including Rav Yissachar Dov Rokeach, Rabbi Yisrael Horowitz of Kaliv, Rabbi Dovid Soloveitchik, Rabbi Baruch Mordechai Ezrachi, Rabbi Nissan Kaplan, Rabbi Reuven Feinstein, and Rabbi Nosson Scherman. Ami also has had exclusive interviews with President Donald Trump, Senator Ted Cruz, Senator Marco Rubio, Newt Gingrich, Ron Paul, George Pataki. and Ben Carson.
Ami's political correspondent Jake Turx became the magazine's first member of the White House press corps with the start of the Donald Trump administration. During a February 16, 2017 press briefing, Turx began asking a question about the government's response to antisemitic threats across the United States, but was stopped in mid-question by Trump, who felt he was being personally attacked and denied being antisemitic or racist. Merriam-Webster reported that following the Trump-Turx exchange "anti-Semitism" look-ups spiked that week.
Some rabbis in the Williamsburg neighborhood of Brooklyn asked that Ami not be read after the magazine published a piece about Jewish religious terrorism perpetrated by Sikrikim and sympathizers of the Jerusalem-based Edah HaChareidis organization. The Satmar Rebbe of Kiryas Joel, Rav Aaron Teitelbaum, along with various other Jewish leaders, have since that time condemned some of the communities which make up the Edah HaChareidis for alleged extremism.
Ami also produces a women's magazine called Ami Living and a tween magazine called Aim!. They publish a standalone food magazine Whisk that is packaged with the rest of the Ami Magazine sections, as well as Ami Business, a section in the main magazine featuring LunchBreak-interviews by Nesanel Gantz with businessmen and entrepreneurs, JTank-"the Jewish version of sharktank", and more.
Ami journalists and writers have traveled to several continents and numerous countries, spanning North Korea, Saudi Arabia, Malta, Cuba, Iraq, the Nevada desert surrounding Area 51, Chernobyl, Antarctica, a possible location of Har Sinai, the burial place of Aharon HaKohen in Jordan, Murphy Ranch in California, and more.

Notable staff