Aihole inscription

in Karnataka state of South India, is known as Cradle of Indian Temple Architecture. It was the first capital of Chalukyas where they built numerous temples, the oldest dating back to the 6th century CE.


Many inscriptions are found at Aihole, important among which is the inscription at Meguti Temple popularly known as Aihole inscription, or Aihole Prashasti of the Chalukya king Pulakeshi-II. The inscription uses Sanskrit language and is written in Kannada script. There is a mention about the defeat of King Harshavardhana by Pulikeshi II in the inscription. There is also a mention about the victory of Chalukyas over the Pallavas and of the shifting the capital from Aihole to Badami by Pulikeshi-II. The poet Kalidasa finds mention in the inscription and this has helped in determining his time.

Aihole Inscription of Pulakesin II

The inscription is found at Aihole in Karnataka state, India. The Aihole inscription was written by the Ravikirti, royal poet at the court of Chalukya King, Pulakeshi II who reigned from 610 to 642 CE. The poetic verses of Ravikirti, in praise of the king, can be read at the Meguti temple, dated 634 CE. The inscription is in the Sanskrit language, and uses Kannada script.
Territories during Pulakeshi II c. 640 C.E.
Aihole inscription of Pulakesin II mentions his victory over Southern kingdom of Pallavas, who had attempted to prevent the rise of the Badami Chalukyas. Since the inscription has mentioned the time elapse since Mahabharata war and also the Shaka era, this inscription is also important in determining possible date of Mahabharata war. The Aihole inscription refers Mangalesha's victory over the Kalachuris and the conquest of Revatidvipa. According to the Aihole inscription of Pulakeshin II, conflict between his own Uncle Mangalesha and Pulakeshin II, due to Mangalesa's attempt to secure the succession for his own son, resulted in ending Mangalesha's reign. The inscription of Amoghavarsha I found at Aihole, mentioned his new administration.