Advanced boiling water reactor

The advanced boiling water reactor is a Generation III boiling water reactor. The ABWR is currently offered by GE Hitachi Nuclear Energy and Toshiba. The ABWR generates electrical power by using steam to power a turbine connected to a generator; the steam is boiled from water using heat generated by fission reactions within nuclear fuel. Kashiwazaki-Kariwa unit 6 is considered the first Generation III reactor in the world.
Boiling water reactors are the second most common form of light water reactor with a direct cycle design that uses fewer large steam supply components than the pressurized water reactor, which employs an indirect cycle. The ABWR is the present state of the art in boiling water reactors, and is the first Generation III reactor design to be fully built, with several reactors complete and operating. The first reactors were built on time and under budget in Japan, with others under construction there and in Taiwan. ABWRs were on order in the United States, including two reactors at the South Texas Project site. The projects in both Taiwan and US are both reported over-budgeted.
The standard ABWR plant design has a net electrical output of about, generated from about of thermal power.

Overview of the design

The ABWR represents an evolutionary route for the BWR family, with numerous changes and improvements to previous BWR designs.
Major areas of improvement include:
The RPV and Nuclear Steam Supply System have significant improvements, such as the substitution of RIPs, eliminating conventional external recirculation piping loops and pumps in the containment that in turn drive jet pumps producing forced flow in the RPV. RIPs provide significant improvements related to reliability, performance and maintenance, including a reduction in occupational radiation exposure related to containment activities during maintenance outages. These pumps are powered by wet-rotor motors with the housings connected to the bottom of the RPV and eliminating large diameter external recirculation pipes that are possible leakage paths. The 10 internal recirculation pumps are located at the bottom of the annulus downcomer region. Consequently, internal recirculation pumps eliminate all of the jet pumps in the RPV, all of the large external recirculation loop pumps and piping, the isolation valves and the large diameter nozzles that penetrated the RPV and needed to suction water from and return it to the RPV. This design therefore reduces the worst leak below the core region to effectively equivalent to a leak. The conventional BWR3-BWR6 product line has an analogous potential leak of 24 or more inches in diameter. A major benefit of this design is that it greatly reduces the flow capacity required of the ECCS.
The first reactors to use internal recirculation pumps were designed by ASEA-Atom and built in Sweden. These plants have operated very successfully for many years.
The internal pumps reduce the required pumping power for the same flow to about half that required with the jet pump system with external recirculation loops. Thus, in addition to the safety and cost improvements due to eliminating the piping, the overall plant thermal efficiency is increased. Eliminating the external recirculation piping also reduces occupational radiation exposure to personnel during maintenance.
An operational feature in the ABWR design is electric fine motion control rod drives, first used in the BWRs of AEG. Older BWRs use a hydraulic locking piston system to move the control rods in six-inch increments. The electric fine motion control rod design greatly enhances positive actual control rod position and similarly reduces the risk of a control rod drive accident to the point that no velocity limiter is required at the base of the cruciform control rod blades.

Certifications and approvals

Slightly different versions of the ABWR are offered by GE-Hitachi, Hitachi-GE and Toshiba.
In 1997 the GE-Hitachi U.S. ABWR design was certified as a final design in final form by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, meaning that its performance, efficiency, output, and safety have already been verified, making it bureaucratically easier to build it rather than a non-certified design.
In 2013, following its purchase of Horizon Nuclear Power, Hitachi began the process of generic design assessment of the Hitachi-GE ABWR with the UK Office for Nuclear Regulation. This was completed in December 2017.
In July 2016 Toshiba withdrew the U.S. design certification renewal for the ABWR because "it has become increasingly clear that energy price declines in the US prevent Toshiba from expecting additional opportunities for ABWR construction projects".


The ABWR is licensed to operate in Japan, the United States and Taiwan, although most of the construction projects have been halted or shelved.

Japan and Taiwan

, four ABWRs were in operation in Japan: Kashiwazaki-Kariwa units 6 and 7, which opened in 1996 and 1997, Hamaoka unit 5, opened 2004 having started construction in 2000, and Shika 2 commenced commercial operations on March 15, 2006. Another two partially constructed reactors are in Lungmen in Taiwan, and one more in Japan. Work on Lungmen halted in 2014. Work on Shimane halted after the 2011 earthquake

United States

On June 19, 2006 NRG Energy filed a Letter Of Intent with the Nuclear Regulatory Commission to build two 1358 MWe ABWRs at the South Texas Project site. On September 25, 2007, NRG Energy and CPS Energy submitted a Construction and Operations License request for these plants with the NRC. NRG Energy is a merchant generator and CPS Energy is the nation's largest municipally owned utility. The COL was approved by the NRC on February 9, 2016. Due to market conditions, these two planned units may never be built and do not have a planned construction date.

United Kingdom

had plans to build Hitachi-GE ABWRs at Wylfa in Wales and Oldbury in England. Both projects were paused in March 2012 by the shareholders at the time to put Horizon up for sale, with Hitachi becoming the new owner. The 'Development Consent Order' for Wylfa was accepted in June 2018 and in August Bechtel were appointed as project managers. The first reactor was expected online in the mid 2020s with construction at Oldbury expected to start a few years after this. However, on January 17, 2019, Horizon Nuclear Power announced the suspension of both these projects for financial reasons.


In comparison with comparable designs, the four ABWRs in operation are often shut down due to technical problems. The International Atomic Energy Agency documents this with the 'operating factor'. The first two plants in Kashiwazaki-Kariwa reach total life operating factors of 70%, meaning that about 30% of the time, since commissioning, they were not producing electricity. For example, in 2010 Kashiwazaki-Kariwa 6 had an operating capacity of 80.9%, and an operating capacity of 93% in 2011. However, in 2008 it did not produce any power as the installation was offline for maintenance, and therefore had an operating capacity of 0% for that year. In contrast other modern nuclear power plants like the Korean OPR-1000 or the German Konvoi show operating factors of about 90%.
The output power of the two new ABWRs at the Hamaoka and Shika power plant had to be lowered because of technical problems in the power plants steam turbine section. After throttling both power plants down, they still have a heightened downtime and show a lifetime operating factor under 50%.
Reactor blockNet output power
Commercial operation
Operating Factor since commissioning start
until 2011
HAMAOKA-51212 MW 18.01.200546,7%
KASHIWAZAKI KARIWA-61315 MW07.11.199672%
KASHIWAZAKI KARIWA-71315 MW02.07.199668,5%
SHIKA-21108 MW 15.03.200647,1%


ABWR-II design

A number of design variants have been considered, with power outputs varying from 600 to 1800 MWe. The most developed design variant is the ABWR-II, started in 1991, an enlarged 1718 MWe ABWR, intended to make nuclear power generation more competitive in the late 2010s. None of these designs have been deployed.
The new designs hoped to achieve 20% reductions in operating costs, 30% reduction in capital costs, and tight planned construction schedule of 30 months. The design would allow for more flexibility in choices of nuclear fuels.