1909 in Italy

See also:
1908 in Italy,
other events of 1909,
1910 in Italy.
Events from the year 1909 in Italy.

Kingdom of Italy

The poet Filippo Tommaso Marinetti publishes the Manifesto of Futurism and initiates an artistic philosophy, Futurism, rejecting the past, and celebrating speed, machinery, violence, youth and industry; it also advocates the modernization and cultural rejuvenation of Italy. In February 1909 the manifesto was published in one of Europe's main newspapers, Le Figaro.


The government struggles to get relief aid to Messina and Calabria after the earthquake on December 28, 1908.


In the socialist newspaper Avanti!, Gaetano Salvemini publishes an article entitled 'The minister of the underworld', in which he attacks Giolitti's power system.


wins the first Lipton Challenge Cup, a football competition competed between clubs from Southern Italy and Sicily.