1727 English cricket season

The 1727 English cricket season was the 31st cricket season since the earliest recorded eleven-aside match was played. It is the first season in which matches are known to have been played in accordance with agreed, written rules. Details have survived of four matches.

Recorded matches

Records of the following matches exist:

Articles of Agreement

References to the games between the Duke of Richmond and Mr Brodrick mention that they drew up Articles of Agreement between them to determine the rules that must apply in their contests. This are the first instance where a set of written rules for play is known to exist, although rules for play definitely existed. In early times, the rules would be agreed orally and subject to local variations.
The Articles of Agreement specified that "the Duke of Richmond to choose any Gamesters, who have played in either of His Grace's two last Matches with Sir William Gage" which is the basis for the assumption that the first two matches listed above were played in 1727.

Other events

commented that cricket was already "common" at Eton College. This is the earliest reference to cricket both at Eton and in the county of Berkshire.
Other matches were recorded at Cranbrook in May and at Warehorne Green near Ashford, Kent in June. The first was played to celebrate Oak Apple Day between "14 old men of that town", the oldest, Richard Shefe, was 84.

First mentions
