Ziyad Marar

Ziyad Marar is an author and President of Global Publishing at SAGE Publishing. He was born in 1966 in Iraq, and moved to London aged 10. He has published four books combining his interests in psychology and philosophy. His fourth "Judged: The Value of Being Misunderstood" will be published in February 2018.


Marar left the Middle East in 1975 before moving to London. He attended Exeter University where he obtained a BSc in psychology. He completed an MA in the philosophy and psychology of language from Birkbeck College, London University. Marar joined SAGE in 1989 and has worked across all aspects of publishing. He was appointed Editorial Director in 1997, Deputy Managing Director in 2006, and took on a more global role in 2010 as Global Publishing Director. In 2016, Marar was promoted to President, Global Publishing where he has overall responsibility for SAGE's publishing strategy.
In recent years at SAGE, Marar has also focused on supporting the Social Sciences more generally. He has spoken and written on this theme in various international contexts and in early 2015 was appointed to the board of the Campaign for Social Sciences.
More recently Marar was invited to sit on the board of trustees for the UK academic news site, The Conversation.
He also sits on the boards of the Big House Theatre Company, and The Ceasefire Centre for Civilian Rights.
Marar has written four books. The Happiness Paradox, Deception and Intimacy. and now "Judged: The Value of Being Misunderstood".
Twitter @ZiyadMarar
