
Zigoitia is a municipality of the province of Álava, Basque Country, Spain.

Place name

The city's name Zigoitia is believed to derive from the Basque expression Zuya goitia because it borders with the municipality and valley of Zuya at the west.
The fact that Zigoitia is higher than Zuya could be an explanation for the name Zuya goitia. The existence of resilient historical links between both valleys also has to be validated; since Zigoitia historically belonged to Cuadrilla de Zuya.
Zigoitia is the normalized form of the town name in the Basque language, according to the actual pronunciation in that language and the modern Basque orthography. In 1995 it was adopted by the Town Council as the official municipal name. It was published by the Boletín Oficial del Estado on 13 September 1996.
In 2013 the largest common grave of the Basque Country from the Spanish Civil War was excavated in the locality.


According to the nomenclátor in 2011, the population registered in the municipality and in its localities was:
The capital status is in Ondategi and it has 16 councils: