Zhao family (Internet slang)

The Zhao family refers to dignitaries in China, such as the top bureaucrat, the rich, leaders in-system and their offspring. The phrase originates from Lu Xun's "The True Story of Ah Q". In December 2015, an article in Wechat public account described dignitaries as the Zhao family. Immediately, the phrase "the Zhao family" became an Internet meme. Soon after, the Publicity Department of the Communist Party of China prohibited the use of such words as "the Zhao family". Medias which have used such words got punished. Accordingly, such words as "the Zhao family" are no longer visible from main websites in China.

Derived usages

As the word spreading widely, there have come up derived usages such as "the Zhao family empire", "the Zhao king". Here are some examples:
Original wordsWords after deconstructionChinese
People's Republic of China, Communist Party of Chinathe Zhao family empire, the Zhao family赵国/趙國 and 赵家/趙家
Paramount leader. General Secretary of the Communist Partythe Zhao king赵王/趙王
People's Liberation Armythe Zhaos' army赵家军/趙家軍
People's Policethe Zhaos' police赵家警察/趙家警察
People's Court, People's Procuratoratethe Zhaos' court, the Zhaos' procuratorate赵家法院/趙家法院 and 赵家检察院/趙家檢察院
People's Governmentthe Zhaos' government赵家政府/趙家政府
Serve the peopleserve the Zhao family为赵家服务/爲趙家服務
People's Dailythe Zhaos' Daily赵家日报/趙家日報
National sovereigntythe Zhaos' sovereignty赵家主权/趙家主權
National Security Lawthe Zhaos' Security Law赵家安全法/趙家安全法
Inciting subversion of state powerInciting subversion of the Zhaos' power煽动颠覆赵家政权罪/煽動顛覆趙家政權罪
Chinese people's old friendsthe Zhaos' old friends中国赵家的老朋友/中國趙家的老朋友
50 Cent Partythe Zhaos' spiritual members 精赵/精趙
Oppression in the name of national stabilitythe Zhaos' nuke/missile赵弹/趙彈

While having words with 50 Cent Party, some people used "You think you're worthy of the surname Zhao?" as a taunt and response.
