Za Rulem

Za Rulem is a popular Russian monthly magazine about cars and the automotive industry. Before 1989, it was the only automobile periodical in the USSR, designed for a wide readership. By the end of 1980 the magazine's circulation reached 4.5 million copies.

History and profile

Za Rulem was founded on 23 February 1928, and the first issue was published in April 1928.
Quote from the first issue :
The following artists involved in the design of the magazine: Boris Efimov and Alexander Zakharov. Vladimir Mayakovsky also worked for the magazine.
During Soviet times, the magazine was a 30-leaf notebook of simple matte paper, but in the 1990s, they began to add more pages. In May 2008, the magazine began to use the new spelling of the logo, due to the fact that the old style of the journal title had been used since the 1970s.
Za Rulem is published by a publishing company with the same name on a monthly basis. In August 2009, the publisher created a new website. Since January 2010 the editor in chief has been Anton Chuykin.
460,500 copies of Za Rulem were circulating during the period of 2010-2011, making it the sixth best-selling European automobile magazine.

Other projects of the publishing house