
Yunü is a goddess in Chinese mythology and Chinese traditional religion who, along with her male counterpart Jintong, are the close servants of the Jade Emperor and Zhenwudadi.


Jade Girl is also a common designation for a beautiful woman or, in Daoism, for a fairy or immortal. Jade Girl and Golden Boy have appeared in a large number of stories since the Song and Yuan dynasties and have become important figures in Chinese mythology. During the Song and Yuan dynasties, there was the legend of the Southern opera Golden Boy and Jade Girl and Yuan dynasty writer Jia Zhongming's zaju Golden Boy and Jade Girl.
According to the Shenyijing, it is told that the Jade Girl and her companions loved to play touhu "dart vase", a Chinese game in which arrows or darts are thrown into a vase. Following some local folklore, there are several mountain peaks of that name, like a summit in the Huashan range, the Huashan Yünu, and one in the Wuyi Range.
In the classic Chinese novel Journey to the West, Jade Maiden is a servant maid of the Jade Emperor in Heaven. She once fell in love with a star god called Kui Mulang and decided to elope with him. However, she didn't want to ruin Heaven's pureness, so she decided to reincarnate as a human. She was reincarnated into the human world as Baihuaxiu, the third princess of the Kingdom of Baoxiang. Meanwhile, Kui Mulang sneaked to Earth and waited for her and then became a demon lord Yellow Robe. The demon kidnaps the princess, marries her for 13 years, and together they have two children.

In popular culture