Yu-Gi-Oh! (1998 TV series)

is a 1998 Japanese anime television series based on the manga of the same name written and illustrated by Kazuki Takahashi. It was the first anime adaptation of the manga series and it was produced by Toei Animation and directed by Hiroyuki Kakudō. The series tells the story of Yugi Mutou, who after solving the ancient Millennium Puzzle, awakens a gambling alter-ego within his body that solves his conflicts using various games.
The series adapts the first 59 chapters of the manga series in a heavily abridged format; skipping many chapters and featuring several key differences from the manga. It also adds a new regular character to the group, Miho Nosaka, who was originally a one-shot minor character in the manga.
The series was broadcast on TV Asahi from April 4, 1998 to October 10, 1998 and was followed by a theatrical movie released on March 6, 1999. It has not been ever localized in the west, possibly due to its mature subject matter, though the series has been spread across the internet on many streaming sites. Fans of the show have referred to this series as "Season Zero", due to it adapting the first part of the manga, whereas Duel Monsters picks up about Volume 8 onwards.

Episode list

Theme songs


Video releases