The Young Democrats is the social-liberal youth organisation of the Netherlands, founded in 1984. With over 5,000 members it's the largest political youth organisation of the Netherlands. Although independent, the Young Democrats are affiliated with the Dutch social-liberal party Democrats 66.
According to the Declaration of Principles, the Young Democrats are a liberal-democratic youth organisation. The main objective of the Young Democrats is to contribute to the individual development of every person. Core values of the Young Democrats are liberty, equality,, sustainability and pragmatism. Also, the Young Democrats are in favour of radical democratisation of society.
The Young Democrats advocate preparing the Netherlands for the consequences of an ageing society. They suggest increasing labour participation by reforming social security. JD is in favour of gradually raising the retirement age to 67 years from the current age of 65.
The Young Democrats oppose counter-terrorism measures that are not both proportional and have proven effective. In particular, JD opposes current legislation obliging citizens to be able to prove their identity at any time. JD rejects a ban on the wearing of the burqa in public spaces.
The Young Democrats are in favour of more direct democracy in the form of referenda and direct elections for the offices of prime-minister and mayor.
Within the Young Democrats power lies with the members. The Congress is the sovereign body of the Young Democrats and meets three times a year. During the Congress members of the National Board are elected individually and JD policy is decided through resolutions, amendments and motions. All members have equal say through the one man, one vote system.
National Board
The day-to-day management of the Young Democrats is in the hands of the National Board, the members of which are:
President: Annabel Broer
Secretary-General andere Vice-President: Yvet Laan
Treasurer: Kyllian van der Put
Political & Press Officer: Wimer Heemskerk
Campaign Officer: Marije Heerma
Organisation Officer: Jasper Ensing
Education Officer: Pim Cramer
Local branches
Currently the Young Democrats have ten local branches, most of which are based in university cities, such as Amsterdam, Utrecht, Rotterdam and Leiden. Every branch has a local board and organises regular general meetings where local board members are elected and policy is decided. Every local member has the right to vote at the local general meetings. The sections are: