Yingya Shenglan

The Yingya Shenglan, written by Ma Huan, is a book about the countries visited by him over the course of the Ming treasure voyages led by Zheng He.
There is no known extant version of the original Yingya Shenglan. However, copies of Ma's work have been preserved, even though these copies contain differences due to later editors. These include the Jilu Huibian version, the Guochao Diangu version, the Shengchao Yishi version, and Zhang Sheng's so-called "".
Ma Huan served as an interpreter on the fourth, sixth, and seventh voyage. Guo Chongli was Ma Huan collaborator on the Yingya Shenglan. He personally participated in three of the expeditions. These two gentlemen recorded their observations in notes, which were used to compose the Yingya Shenglan.