Yemen Eyalet

The Yemen Eyalet was an eyalet of the Ottoman Empire. During early 1600s, the Eyalet was entirely lost to the Yemeni Zaidi State, only to be recovered by the Ottomans two centuries later. The Yemen Eyalet was reorganized in 1849, upon Ottoman takeover of much of Greater Yemen territories. In 1872, most of it became Yemen Vilayet after a land reform in the empire.


In 1516, the Mamluks of Egypt annexed Yemen; but in the following year, the Mamluk governor surrendered to the Ottomans, and Turkish armies subsequently overran the country. They were challenged by the Zaidi Imam, Qasim the Great, and by 1636, the Zaydi tribesmen had driven the Ottomans out of the country completely.


Governors of the eyalet in the 19th century:
Sanjaks of the Eyalet in the mid-19th century:
  1. Sanjak of Mokha
  2. Sanjak of Eharish
  3. Sanjak of Massu