Xylosma hawaiiense

Xylosma hawaiiense is a species of flowering plant in the willow family, Salicaceae, that is endemic to Hawaii. Common names include Hawai'i brushholly, maua, and ae.


Xylosma hawaiiense is a small deciduous tree, reaching a height of. The alternate, elliptical leaves are long, wide, and produced on thin petioles in length. Young leaves are bronze green, reddish, or copper-colored with red veins, aging to shiny dark green on top and slightly shiny green on bottom. Twigs are initially dark red and mature to a dark brown. Racemes long are produced at the bases of new leaves or the back of leaves. The dioecious flowers are greenish or reddish and in diameter. Female plants produce abundant berries in the summer and fall that are deep red when ripe and about in diameter.


Maua can be found in dry, mixed mesic, and, occasionally, wet forests at elevations of.