
Wuzhuliu, born Nangzhiyasi, was a chanyu of the Xiongnu Empire. The brother and successor of Juya Chanyu, he reigned from 8 BC to 13 AD. Wuzhuliu sent his son Wududiyasi to the Han imperial court upon his accession and arranged for his son Jiliukun to go to the Han court upon his death. Wuzhuliu died in 13 AD and was succeeded by his brother, Wulei Chanyu.
Wuzhuliu refused to return land to the Wusun but returned hostages to them.
In 3 BC, Wuzhuliu proposed a visit to the Han court. The Han were initially reluctant but eventually agreed after Yang Xiong advised Emperor Ai of Han that it would be unwise to rebuff such a gesture. Wuzhuliu visited Chang'an in 1 BC.
In 6 AD, two kings of the Jushi, Gugou and Tangdou, fled to the Xiongnu. However, Wuzhuliu turned them over to the Han due to the convention of four clauses, whereby he would not harbour fugitives from China, the Wusun, the Wuhuan, or the city states of the Western Regions. In return the Han sent gifts to the chanyu. However, among the gifts was a seal which aroused suspicions from Wuzhuliu that the text it bore implied a degradation of his status. The Han envoys smashed the seal but it was too late.
The Xiongnu came into conflict with the Wuhuan and took territory from them. They were criticized for this by the Han as it contravened the terms of their convention. In response Wuzhuliu sent a large force under Puhuluzi to show his strength near Shuofang Commandery.
In 10 AD, Hulanzhi, elder brother of the king of Jushi, fled to the Xiongnu. Four Han officials also defected to the Xiongnu.
Wang Mang attempted to split the Xiongnu among 15 chanyus and named two, Xiao Chanyu and Shun Chanyu, which angered Wuzhuliu. In 11 AD, Wuzhuliu retaliated by sending an armed expedition to Yunzhong, Yanmen, and Shuofang commanderies, slaughtering a number of civilians.
In 13 AD, Wuzhuliu died and was succeeded by his brother, Wulei Chanyu, who had previously been named Xiao Chanyu by the Han.
