Wunder (gamer)

Martin Nordahl Hansen, better known by his in-game name Wunder, is a Danish professional League of Legends player who plays the top laner for G2 Esports of the LEC.


With Wunder being signed to the already impressive G2 Esports, the team was bound to create a legacy.
Within their first 2 years of forming, G2 Esports had shown their dominance in the European LCS/LEC, going on to win 4 Spring/Summer Split Championships before transitioning to acquire the new top laner. After inserting Wunder to the new team, G2 continued to show their prowess within the European League of Legends League, placing 2nd their first split with new top laner and Jungle star Marcin "Jankos" Jankowski. G2 continued to define their legacy going into the 2019 season after qualifying for the 2018 League of Legends World Championships and finishing 3rd-4th. Since then, G2 have placed 1st in every league/tournament they have attended, the only exception being their 2nd place finish at the 2019 League of Legends World Championships.
Wunder has been a staple for the team's success, leading the EU LCS/LEC's top lane competition. Within the 2019 Spring LEC League, Wunder ranked number 1 out of all top laners with a KDA of 4.08, a CSP/M of 8.64, and 12 unique champions played, the most in his position.

Tournament results








The following listed are all individual awards earned by Wunder:
Since Martin "Wunder" Hansen has been competing, he has earned an estimated $319,486.23 from across 5 different teams and 27 tournaments/leagues.