The mission of the Worshipful Company of Marketors is to be the City livery company for leaders in marketing. The Marketors promote marketing as a force for economic and public benefit, encouraging marketing education and marketing in practice. The Company's presence in the City of London focuses on the need for marketing principles being at the heart of corporate decision-making within the Square Mile and beyond. Like all livery companies following a tradition that is centuries old, Marketors support the City of London and the Mayoralty. The Company aims to promote the benefits of marketing and encourage excellence in marketing practice.
Charitable work
One of the most important roles of all livery companies is their charitable work, and the support and recognition given to education and the achievement of excellence in their profession or craft. More than £40 million is given annually to charities by livery companies. Members of the Marketors are expected to make a modest annual contribution to increase the capital of the Marketors' Trust from which awards and bursaries can be funded. The Trust also funds work supervised by the Marketors' Think Tank and makes donations each year to the Lord Mayor’s chosen charities. The Company, through advice from its Almoners, also provide assistance to members and their dependants who are in need. As well as contributing financially to good causes, members who have skills and expertise are also encouraged to engage in voluntary outreach work giving practical marketing help and professional advice.
Events and activities
The Marketors provides a rich and varied programme of formal and social events which are wide ranging and stimulating, as well as offering a better understanding of many aspects of marketing.
The Great Events
Formal occasions which are held in City livery halls or the Mansion House include several annual dinners or luncheons, and a banquet in honour of the Lord Mayor.
Professional and social events
There are many professional and social occasions throughout the year, most held in interesting and unusual venues many of which are exclusive to the Marketors. The company holds a number of marketing focused events, such as lectures and seminars, with the theme of marketing in practice.
Following a livery tradition, many companies maintain close supportive links with units of the armed forces and the Marketors adopted 151 Transport Regiment, Royal Logistic Corps. This link with the Regiment provides a further interchange of social activities and also opportunities to work with the Regiment on exercises. The Marketors have also established an affiliation to St Dunstan's College Combined Cadet Force, and to the Royal Navy by way of the Type 23 frigate. at its UK head office in Baker Street
Thought leadership
The Thought Leadership Group provides research leadership and promotes discussion and debate between the Company, its members, other livery companies, business leaders and the wider marketing profession. The TLG gives fresh insight into significant issues, especially those likely to have an impact at Board level, whether commercial or not. As a secondary agenda, the TLG takes opportunities to promulgate the basics of good practice to external audiences which lack such knowledge, working with other Company committees. An example of the work the Group does is the work with the Worshipful Company of Stationers and Newspaper Makers and the Worshipful Company of Information Technologists to produce a seminar with notable speakers and with a specifically digital focus – an area of interest to all three companies. The Group is also responsible for the production of reports into matters of topical concern.