
Woopra is a real-time customer analytics service used by sales, service and marketing teams.
The platform is designed to help organizations optimize the customer life-cycle by delivering live, granular behavioral data for individual website visitors and customers. It ties this individual-level data to aggregate analytics reports for a full life-cycle view that bridges departmental gaps.


In 2009, Daniel Brusilovski from TechCrunch called Woopra an "impressive live tracking and analytics service". ReadWriteWeb named Woopra a top web product of 2010 and gave it an honorable mention in 2011. ReadWriteWeb's Founder, Richard MacManus, says Woopra is "without a doubt the most addictive business tool I use." In 2012, eWeek listed Woopra as a "hot web analytics" company and American Express OPEN Forum listed it as one of the "smartest web analytics tools". Business 2 Community, in 2012, cites Woopra's real time analytics as a useful adjunct to Google Analytics.