Wits Centre for Diversity Studies

The Wits Centre for Diversity Studies was launched in 2014 and is based in the Faculty of Humanities at the University of the Witwatersrand. Initially started as Intercultural and Diversity Studies of Southern Africa at the University of Cape Town, WiCDS was then established at Wits in 2014 and aims to build capacity to meet the challenges of diverse societies, especially in post-apartheid South Africa through interdisciplinary postgraduate education and research.

Academic Programmes

The Centre presents three interdisciplinary programmes that can be undertaken by students from various disciplines, although most come from disciplines within the Humanities and Social Sciences.
WiCDS is grounded in social justice imperatives, the research and education of the programme is informed by Melissa Steyn’s 2007 notion of Critical Diversity Literacy. The Centre has adapted the racial literacy concept developed by sociologist  France Winddance Twine to analyse other axes of oppression, such as gender, sexuality, disability and class amongst others to describe the field of critical diversity studies as that which develops diversity literacy in scholars and researchers. The following are the ten criteria for critical diversity literacy:
Drawing on cutting edge social theory, the critical diversity studies lens opens up challenging research questions which emerge in the interstices of current disciplinary boundaries. These questions have the capacity to shift common sense assumptions about the social, enabling fresh and penetrating analyses of current social challenges. While no single research methodology need necessarily flow from critical diversity literacy, it involves the recognition of social construction and the constitutive role of discourse in employing critical social theory.
The Centre also collaborates with Pitzer College in a study abroad programme offered by Pitzer in which undergraduate students come to Southern Africa for a semester long immersive experience in Tanzania, Botswana, Zimbabwe and South Africa. During their stay in South Africa, students are hosted by WiCDS.

Notable Events

Conferences - The Centre hosts annual international conferences. It has hosted 5 conferences thus far. These include Troubling seasons of hate, Decolonising feminism, Doing human, Imagining Liberations and Disabling Normativities. Notable people who have spoken at the conference include Lewis Gordon, Grada Kilomba, Boaventura De Soussa Santos, Shelley Tremain and Garth Stevens.
Dialogue and debates
Paul Chappell Disability reading group - a dedication to the late WiCDS researcher, Paul Chappell, hosted twice every month for students and staff, with and without disabilities. The group provides space for people to critically engage with disability research and its application within an African context.
WiCDS Wednesdays - a series of monthly seminars that are held on the last Wednesday of the month to promote dialogue between the public and the Centre on a range of diverse topics that promote transformation within the society.
HAYIBO! - a web series via YouTube presenting short videos, each portraying a different diversity issue currently playing out in South African society. Scenarios, which involved actors and members of the general public, deal with the Bystander Effect. HAYIBO! Intends to:
  1. develop the capacity of individuals and communities to interrupt oppression,
  2. identify and challenge the ways in which power relations linked to race, gender, sexuality, dis/ability, are expressed in everyday situations,
  3. understand how silences operate to reproduce the social injustices that underlie systems of oppression.


is a bi-annual, peer-reviewed journal that aims to provide a platform for critical engagement with hierarchies of power that create and sustain privilege and oppression along axes of difference. IJCDS contains book reviews, original research and theoretical articles, and is published in June and November. The journal serves an integral role of unlocking South Africa's national and global potential. WiCDS director, Melissa Steyn is the Editor-in-Chief for the IJCDS and the  Editorial Board consists of local and international prominent persons in key research institutes whose expertise represents the journal's wider scope.