Wisconsin Institute for Law and Liberty
The Wisconsin Institute for Law and Liberty is a nonprofit public interest law firm located in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, that says it is "dedicated to the promotion of free markets, individual liberty, and a robust civil society." The group was founded by lawyer Rick Esenberg in 2011. Esenberg sought to found a group of advocacy lawyers dedicated to conservative and libertarian causes to counter liberal legal organizations.Issues
The organization published a study in June 2016 which found that public-sector union reforms passed in Wisconsin in 2011 had not harmed the state's public schools.
In 2016, the organization announced the launch of the Center for Competitive Federalism, a national effort to bring lawsuits and conduct research to promote state sovereignty. That same year, the organization filed a lawsuit seeking to overturn Wisconsin's Unfair Sales Act, also known as the minimum markup law, which prevents companies from selling products below cost.
In February 2020, WILL sued the Madison Metropolitan School District on behalf of 14 parents. WILL argued that the school district's policy allowing children to socially transition their gender identity without parental notification violates constitutionally recognized parental rights.