Winter Evening Tales

Winter Evening Tales is a collection of four novellas, a number of short stories and sketches, and three poems by James Hogg published in two volumes in 1820. Eleven of the items are reprinted, with varying degrees of revision, from Hogg's periodical The Spy.


In 1813 Hogg approached Archibald Constable to propose a collection of Scottish rural prose tales, including a number of those which had appeared in his periodical The Spy two years earlier. Constable turned the offer down, and it was not until 1817 that Hogg revived the project, informing William Blackwood that he had Cottage Winter Nights ready for the press. Discussions made progress, and in May 1818 Blackwood published The Brownie of Bodsbeck; and Other Tales, in two volumes, the other tales being 'The Hunt of Eildon' and 'The Wool-Gatherer', these replacing 'The Bridal of Polmood' which Blackwood rejected. Hogg had hoped that Blackwood would bring out a further two volumes, but in the event the sales of The Brownie were disappointing. However, Blackwood suggested that Hogg should approach Oliver and Boyd, and by August 1819 he had signed an agreement with them for 1500 copies of the desired two additional volumes.


The first edition of Winter Evening Tales, Collected among the Cottagers in the South of Scotland appeared in two volumes on 19 April 1820. The publishers were Oliver & Boyd in Edinburgh and their associates G. & W. B. Whittaker in London. Sales were good, and in March 1821 Hogg signed an agreement for 1000 copies of a second edition. The text was revised, involving authorial involvement in the first volume, in the general direction of smoothness and propriety.
A critical edition, edited by Ian Duncan, appeared in 2002 as a volume in the Stirling/South Carolina Research Edition of The Collected Works of James Hogg.


Volume One
The Renowned Adventures of Basil Lee
Adam Bell
Duncan Campbell
An Old Soldier's Tale
Highland Adventures
Halbert of Lyne
King Gregory
The Shepherd's Calendar
Country Dreams and Apparitions
No. II Connel of Dee
No. III The Wife of Lochmaben
No. IV Cousin Mattie
No. V Welldean Hall
No. VI Tibby Johnston's Wraith
The reviewers generally accorded Winter Evening Tales a favourable reception. The depiction of rural life was admired as truthful and vivacious, but there were many objections to what was seen as Hogg's coarseness. Of the two longest novellas, 'The Bridal of Polmood' and 'Basil Lee', the former was preferred as more artistically finished in contrast to the latter's lack of refinement.