Wilson Central School

Located in Wilson, New York, Wilson High School is part of the Wilson Central School District. It holds students in grades 9-12. Wilson High School accounts for 864 of Wilson Central School District's 1,515 students. It is connected to the Wilson Middle School, where grades 6-8 go.

Wilson CSD Board of Education

George Waters
Michael Leggett
Christopher Carlin,
Jack Clement,
Donald DeLisi,
Amy Phillips,
Mark Randall,
George Waters
Mr. John Montesanti
Tax Collector:
Mrs. Catherine Lewis
Mrs. Ruth Weaver-Metzger
Administrative Offices
Superintendent of Schools:
Dr. Michael Wendt
Business Administrator:
Mr. John Montesanti
Payroll Specialist:
Mrs. Carolyn Oliveri
Director of Special Education:
Mrs. Barbara Wright
Director of Athletics:
Mr. Jeffrey Roth
Director of Facilities Management:
Mr. Mark Rampado
Coordinator of Technology:
Mr. Kenneth Samland
High School Principal:
Mr. Daniel Johnson
Middle School Principal:
Mr. Scott Benton
Wilson Elementary Principal:
Mr. John Diodate