William M. Tryon

Reverend William Milton Tryon was an American missionary, pastor, Baptist minister and co-founder of Baylor University together with some leading Baptist missionaries, Rev. James Huckins and Judge R.E.B. Baylor and inspired the formation of Christian education in Texas.


At the age of 9, Tryon lost his father and was 17 year old when he was Baptized together with his mother he moved to Georgia State in 1823 and was given licensed to preach, he was a graduate of Mercer Institute and in 1836 he was ordained as minister, whe was preacher in Alabama, he leads five churches. W. M. Tryon together with Robert E. B. Baylor suggest the formation of Baptist Education Society in Texas and Baptist College. He was chaplain of Texas Senate in 1843 there he became the first president of board of trustees in Baylor University.

Baylor University establishment

Tryon was frontier who first suggested the establishment of Baylor University in Taxas in 1841 there the district lawyer, Judge R. E. B. Baylor began promoting ideas and were supported by members of Texas Baptist Education Society affiliated with Union Baptist Association and the full term fund raiser Rev. James Huckins who was the first missionary to Texas, this result supported Confederate engage the institution to preserve and fight slavery both the civil war.
W. M. Tryon spent seven years in leading Baptist in Taxas was his dream of Baylor University to be a Christian higher learning center.
He later became second pastor of first Baptist Church in Houston and sooner he became the first residents missionary with his fund help raised many churches and land in Taxas Avenues Travis street some churches were completed in 1847 at new members joined the congregation that year in November 1847 William Tryon died of fever.