William Cecil Bosanquet

William Cecil Bosanquet was an English physician and classical scholar.
After education at Eton, Bosanquet matriculated at New College, Oxford, where he achieved a first in honour moderations in classics in 1887 and a first in literae humaniores in 1889. He studied medicine at the University of Oxford and at Charing Cross Hospital, graduating with B.M. and D.M. degrees in 1897. At Charing Cross Hospital he was appointed pathologist in 1900, assistant physician in 1903, and full physician in 1913. He also held appointments at Royal Brompton Hospital and originated the Brompton Hospital Reports in 1931. He was an assistant editor for The Practitioner for some years until the end of 1904. He was elected FRCP in 1904. He delivered the 1905 Goulstonian Lectures on Some Considerations on the Nature of Diabetes Mellitus. Bosanquet edited the 10th edition in 1905 of Green's Pathology and Morbid Anatomy; Bosanquet was also the editor of the 11th edition in 1911, the co-editor with W. W. C. Topley of the 12th edition in 1918, and the co-editor with G. S. Wilson of the 13th edition in 1923.
During WWI Bosanquet served as captain and then major in the RAMC. He became a staff member of the 4th London General Hospital and was afterwards attached to the 44th General Hospital in Deolali, India, serving in 1919 as a consulting physician to the North-West Frontier Force.

George Stanley Bosanquet

Admiral George S. Bosanquet, A.D.C. was W. Cecil Bosanquet's father. On 27 October 1884 George S. Bosanquet was appointed one of the naval aides-de-camp to the Queen.

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