
WikiIslam is a collaboratively-edited wiki focused on the criticism of Islam. The community differentiates itself from Wikipedia on the basis that "opinions critical of Islam are not censored on WikiIslam for political correctness."


In September 2006, WikiIslam was launched in collaboration with individuals from Faith Freedom International. In August 2008, the WikiIslam site was moved to a new server and since then it has been operating independently. Since December 2015, the Ex-Muslims of North America took over ownership and operation of WikiIslam.


WikiIslam was the subject of an article in the 7/2007 issue of the journal Contemporary Islam, entitled "Cyber-Islamophobia? The case of WikiIslam", which argues that the website commits selection bias by collecting only negative or critical material. The article states that "In relation to the criteria set up by the Runnymede Trust... it should be quite easy to label most of the material published on WikiIslam as expressions of Islamophobia." Göran Larsson adds that "y impression is that the stories reported by WikiIslam have merely been selected to show that Muslims are ignorant, backward or even stupid." Because of the presence of material obtained from other websites, such as MEMRI, the article notes that "it becomes much more difficult to argue that all information posted on WikiIslam is Islamophobic by nature".
The apostasy testimonies on WikiIslam have been described as "an important element in an Islamophobic world view that presents Islam and Muslims as diametrically opposite to all other world views."