Wicked Science is an Australian television series, which debuted on 24 February 2004. The series focuses on Toby and Elizabeth, two teenagers who are mysteriously turned into wizards of science. The series was originally run onNetwork Ten from 2004 to 2006 of which it then moved to Disney Channel, Wicked Science has also screened on ABC1 and ABC2 on 7:00am, Thursday. On Disney Channel Asia, it was fully aired until 2007. Toby and Elisabeth are two students in the same grade. Toby is a regular student and Elisabeth is kind of plugged in, she is really mean so nobody likes her and she likes Toby.One day a ray hits Toby and Elisabeth and they both acquire some scientific superpowers becoming geniuses.Toby is not really happy with his new gift but Elisabeth wants to reveal using his powers to control the high school and Toby is the only one capable to stop her. The boring Sand Bay school is now turned into a chaos with continuous unexpleined events.
André de Vanny as Toby Johnson, Toby Johnson is a normal teenager and the Main protagonist who studies in Sandy Bay High School. He was one of two students involved in an accident following an experiment on a prehistoric rock, which caused him to become a genius. His best friends are Russell Skinner and Dina Demeris. He is also in love with Bianca, a pretty girl in his class.
Bridget Neval as Elizabeth Hawke, Elizabeth was also involved in the accident that turned Toby into a genius. Unlike Toby, she wants to use her newfound genius to take over the school. She dislikes everybody except Toby, whom she is secretly in love with. She is jealous and demonstrates that she will go to any length to get what she wants.
Benjamin Schmideg as Russell "Russ" Skinner, Toby's best friend. He likes to skateboard and eat pizza. While not being too clever, he is a loyal and brave friend.
Saskia Burmeister as Dina Demiris, Dina is a good friend to Toby and Russ. She is smart, good looking, boys get on her nerves sometimes and she hates Elizabeth. She goes to Hong Kong in season 2 and is replaced by Sasha.
Emma Leonard as Verity McGuire, Verity has been Elizabeth's best friend since Primary School and often assists Elizabeth in her schemes. While she knows Elizabeth goes too far, she does not have the confidence to speak up.
Brook Sykes as Garth King, the dimwitted school bully. He is often in cahoots with Elizabeth and acts as her spy. He is always up for a fight, especially if it involves Russ.